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Blagdon Local History Society
Blagdon People and Characters

Betty, John and Peter Gallop from the John Gallop collection

Bert Gallop & car

Bert & Big Bill the bull.

the photographer of the Johnn Gallop collection, Charlie Jones(?)

Gran & Grandad Jones

The gillies Jim, Bill and Laurie 1926

capt & mrs Newnham 1890s.

Lambrick with pet rook_

Fred Watts Wrington Vale Volunteers

Grace Ball and Mary Ann Lemon outside Grove Cottage 1912

Some of the founding members of the Blagdon Local History Society at one of the early talk

Transport around Blagdon in the 1920s and the characters that used it.

Gilbert Lyons Aunt Beattie nee Filer__edited.jpg

Blagdon 'Dad's Army' 1943

Winters wedding 1940.

Sweeting in India 1942

worker & scythe

Mr C. Simkins with his cart outside his refreshment rooms down near the station on Station

Andrew & George Addicott & Edgars tank.

Chum Ash and Bert Stone (WW2) in the field of cabbages above the Station off Station Road
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